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Lyn Sellars

  • Student since 2011, staff since 2017. 
  • Owner of Dharma Yoga Vermont 
  • Has the ability to meet each student where they are with kindness and compassion. 
  • Teaches all level classes which include all eight limbs of yoga, rooted in devotion and compassion. 
  • Personal Statement: It is truly an honor and blessing to be a part of the Dharma Yoga LOAY TT and have the opportunity to help others discover their deepest Selves and develop a greater sense of compassion towards all living beings.

Lyn Sellars

  • Student since 2011, staff since 2017. 
  • Owner of Dharma Yoga Vermont 
  • Has the ability to meet each student where they are with kindness and compassion. 
  • Teaches all level classes which include all eight limbs of yoga, rooted in devotion and compassion. 
  • Personal Statement: It is truly an honor and blessing to be a part of the Dharma Yoga LOAY TT and have the opportunity to help others discover their deepest Selves and develop a greater sense of compassion towards all living beings.